Membrane Studios

Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Beginners

As a beginner, it can be a very daunting task to understand every component of digital marketing because everything is interconnected and it’s so vast that one can’t understand thoroughly about each component but no need to worry let’s make it simple for you.

Understanding the Basics of Digital Marketing 

As we all know, to build something strong and effective that lasts for a long time, we should build a strong foundation. In simpler terms, you should learn and understand the A, B, and C’s of digital marketing so well that you’re ready to start and experiment and learn more. Understand how you want to put an impact on your business and around that build your strategy if you’re still confused use this guide and get started 

Define Goals and Audience

Always start with setting parameters/goals that you want to achieve or what are the ultimate goal of running the campaign, Once the goals are set you should move on to understanding your Audience, and do a thorough market analysis i.e. study purchase behavior, power, and other metrics which will help you understand your target audience more. 

Leverage Social Media Platforms

No marketer of this day and age will avoid social media and keep their business in the shadows remember digital marketing is all about how strong your online presence is and if not then how you can make it, Platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Quora, Reddit, Tumblr, X, provides a business a free digital place which can do wonders for your brand.

Start with SEO

Does your business have a website? if yes then oh Great news! Now slowly start looking around what your competitors are doing on the internet and how can you do better than them here is where competitor research, keyword research, and keyword gaping will come into play with all this try to improve your content on the website but before all this fix all the website issues by doing technical SEO audit otherwise this all will be in vain. 

Introduce yourself to Google Ads

Now paid ads are important aspects of digital marketing. If your business or client has a good budget to spend on marketing, what’s better than Google and Meta ads (Facebook and Instagram).

We have written a blog dedicated to Google Ads. Read the blog and you’ll learn how to start and the types of ads you can run on Google.

Inculcate Analytical Thinking

There’s a lot of data to gather when you start with SEO, paid ads, or even social media. You should be able to understand the data presented to you and work on it and create better strategies with the help of Data. Whenever working on data don’t just look at the facts emphasize more on the Insights. Insights will help you understand your audience and create effective campaigns.


This is not the only way for beginners to start, It’s one of the easiest digital marketing strategy to start start with and later you can start more complicated strategies where you start including many more components of digital marketing

About Us

Started in 2018, not in a garage, but in the minds of Jaskaran Arora, the founder of Membrane Studios, we are an independent creative and digital studio. Jaskaran started this company with a vision of helping brands grow visually with his creative skills in videography, graphic designing, cinematography, motion graphics, and much more.

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